Monday, 5 September 2016

Term 1 Design 2016-2017

Introduction                                     8/9/2016

Hello I am Jana And I am In 8E I've been studying design for many years. I do not prefer it but I do like designing more than i like working with technology & i could call myself quite an independent learner! Last Year in the MYP tech fair I got in! It was an amazing experience, I loved coming out with ideas, producing projects. 


  1. In Term 1 students created the design folder in the form of blogs. As the subject caters to design technology they were opportunities to understand the design cycle through the use of videos, activity sequencing in the form of a comic strip through which students were able to get a better grasp over the subject as they progressed through the design cycle. The current unit about 3D Modelling enables students to design ergonomically designed 3D models. Students worked in collaboration by brainstorming about 3D printing and its technologies which enhanced their awareness about 3D printing. They were introduced to designing software - TinkerCAD and with the help of tutorials familiarised themselves in building objects consisting of basic shapes. Students made choices to write design situations and design briefs for modelling 3D objects. Jana has completed tasks partially. She has been able to understand the working of the Design Cycle and created the design cycle in her own understanding. She is encouraged to put in more content in her reflections and brainstorm sessions. The brainstorm activity is not posted on the blog. She has been able to identify 2 design situations but she needs to understand the difference between design situation and design brief. She is required to follow tasks systematically and organise her blog so that it has a neat structure. You are currently at a level 3/8

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